A Bit About Who We Are
“To write, publish, and market high-quality novels that broaden the perspectives of intelligent readers and combat climate change through donations to conservation efforts gloabally.”
-Mission Statement
What that means:
Every book published through Light & Dark Literature is crafted with the balance of shadow and light in mind. Life is a myriad of experiences. Every person, place, time in history, and event in our lives holds within it the markers of something beautiful and something terrible. There are moments of sheer joy. And moments of utter terror. Life is both light and dark. Without one the other would become overwhelming. In literature when one is missing, the entire story reads unbelievable. It is through our own pain that we relate to the pain of others. It is through our own joy that we feel joyful for others. Every book we publish promises just that. A small glimpse of life as we feel it. The good, the bad, and the indifferent.
We are committed to diminishing our carbon footprint to the smallest possible radius. We only publish digitally and do not have a storefront or warehouse anywhere. Our energy use is minimal and our staff work exclusively from home, or the local library or coffee shop. Proceeds from every sale go to various organizations with proven track records to improve the state of our climate and natural resources. A full list of our chosen organizations can be found below.
“Light & Dark Literature is a thriving, prosperous publisher enriching the lives of every reader and contributing to global conservation efforts.”
— Vision Statement
Who we donate to:
National Park Foundation
Environmental Defense Fund